الجمعة، أغسطس 17، 2007

an old zeal

I don't know why she came to my mind again : Julia , or Nancy Lee Grahn in Santa Brabra soap opera that I were fond of many years ago .

In fact , she was the one that caught my attention and admiration although she wasn't the central female character .

Ted: Oh, come on Julia, haven't you ever been in love?
Julia: Yes. I've also had scarlet fever and the measles. Ask me which one I liked best.

Mason, or Lane Daves, was the one she loved & never told about her feelings, although he was the one she made sex with in order to get her own child - there was a contract between them two about that .
Mason was as a perplexed character as Julia . He , like her, was that kind of character that loves & dosen't consume words to convey love , that is responsible & tender while showing the oppesite.

Julia & Mason are the most beloved characters i have ever met in my life whether in fiction or in life.
A wish : I 'm really looking forward to encounter such personalities in my life again .
Im getting sick of all tenderness-pretender people & those complimentary ones , maybe for I myself am not one of them .

Gina: Mason be nice. Act normal for a change.
Mason: Nice isn't normal for me.

هناك 3 تعليقات:

شغف يقول...

arabesque said...
haven't seen this series b4
but seems we share the same taste anyway;)

Sunday, January 14, 2007 2:05:00 AM
شغف said...
I guess so

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:49:00 AM

Leonardo يقول...

ظريفة الحكاية دى ياشغف على فكرة :)

بافكر أعمل مدونتين تلاته علشان أستمتع بنقلهم وترتيبهم تانى كده كإنى باعزّل علشان أروح شقة جديدة :)

شغف يقول...


ممكن على فكرة تعمل الحكاية دي برضة من غير أكتر من مداونة

ممكن تعزل بورقك القديم اللي مقصصه من الجرايد و المجلات
بكتاباتك القديمة و نظرتك ليها دلوقتي

بنظرتك لنفسك على مدى زمني سابق

أو حتى بتقليبك في مداونتك و بصتك للحاجات اللي كتبتها قبل كده ، و وجهة نظرك فيها دلوقتي

و يمكن ده اللي الواحد هايبدأ يعمله إن شاء الله بعد ما نخلص مرحلة العزال الأولانية دي

مستمتعة بيها جدا برضة على فكرة ، و حاسة نفس الاحساس اللي بتقول عليه ده